The snooker (and billliards) club has a dedicated room with a full size table and is well equipped with cues and rests. The table light is powered by 20p coins each of which gives 30 minutes playing time.
From April to September the room is open for club members to use from about 9:00 to 21:00 with reduced hours of 9:00 to 18:00 from October to March. However you can get access outside of these hours by arrangement with a key holder (there are lots of them).
The club holds social events 3 or 4 times a year. These are often quick competitions like “Lightning Snooker” where games last a few minutes so that there is a wide opportunity to play.
Handicapped billiards and snooker knockout competitions are held in the winter with trophies awarded at the AGM in April.
In addition some members have formed groups which play regularly.
How to join
Membership runs from April to March.
The snooker club’s annual membership costs £15.
You must also be a member of the GVH Social Club which provides the building and grounds. Annual membership is £30.
You can be a member of several clubs with one Social Club membership.
To join fill in the membership form (download here) and return it either
by email: [email protected]
by post: Ian Birch, Old Post Office, The Village, Burton, Neston, CH64 5TF
No need to send money with the form. We’ll contact you about payment. We (strongly) prefer bank transfer payments because of bank charges. Cash is possible. We don’t like cheques at all.
If you know someone who’s already a member of any of the sports clubs you can ask them to propose you. But if you don’t, don’t worry – we’ll organise a proposer and seconder.
Questions? Contact Ian on (07434) 731129 or
email [email protected]